With new success comes new challenges. We have new folks joining the site all the time, and we’re thrilled to have new people joining our conversations! The playoffs also bring heightened emotions, and community members both new and old can get out of line. Last night’s game thread had several issues, and we appreciate those of you who took the time to flag those comments so we could deal with them. We may not always respond to a flag immediately, but we will get to it.
So with all that said, it’s time for a little refresher on the site rules.
No personal attacks
If you disagree with someone, that’s fine. Disagreements are healthy and a big reason why discussing sports are fun. But if you resort to name calling or insulting people, that violates site rules.
We are not as strict as some sites. We do allowed swearing in threads. Especially in game threads we know emotions run high. That said, there are certain things that simply aren’t allowed when it comes to language. Anything excessively vulgar isn’t allowed. Any hate language is specifically forbidden, no language targeting any individual or group based on race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
You are not a moderator
One of the benefits of participating in our comments is that you are not burdened with the task of being a moderator. This means it is not your job to tell people how to be a fan. It is not your place to tell someone when they’re breaking a rule. It is not your place to discuss your agreements or disagreements with the site rules.
If you see something you feel is inappropriate, flag it and move on. Flagging comments make it much easier for us to see issues, especially in big threads, and we will handle the comments as warranted.
If you receive a warning, don’t get mad. Complaining about a warning in the comments is a quick way to get another warning or to get banned. My email can be found in the masthead. Reach out to me if you have a complaint.
No Politics
This community has proven time and time again that we are incapable of discussing politics without the conversation going off the rails. Certain stories naturally involved some level of politics, such as when games were shut down due to political protests a few years ago. In those threads we do our best to allow the natural conversation, but those are one-off circumstances. In general, no politics are allowed in the comments.
No Trolling
Trolling, simply put, is commenting to create arguments. That is different than commenting to create discussion. Trolling is also when you post the same complaint over and over in each thread regardless of what that thread is about. For example, if you comment in every thread about how the Kings should have drafted Player X instead of Player Y, even when the threads are about Player B, you’re just trolling.
Don’t troll.
Be respectful. Site moderation isn’t easy and we do make mistakes sometimes, but we always err on the side of caution and try to make the comments a respectful and inclusive community. Violate these rules and you’ll receive warnings, timeouts, or be banned at our discretion.
Remember that we’re all Kings fans and while we may disagree on the path to get there, we all want the result.
Fuck Draymond Green….oops, sorry about that. My apologies.
I violated that rule four times last night. 😉
So sayeth we all
Draymond got laid a lot last night. And then again today.
he did it to himself, tho
Well done sir
I always like these when they aren’t specifically about me.*
*as far as I know
That’s probably best.
You all do a great job and we appreciate all your hard work!
In summary, don’t come in here and be Draymond Green. Barkley, okay, Hartley Payton Sr, okay, Rasheed Wallace, Okay. No Artest before the world peace and no Draymond.
No personal attacks?
We have rules? ????
It’s why E-40 is no longer a member here.
So you’re saying we are racist Karen’s…. According to E-40…
Thanks for doing that. Out of the blue I got called a stupid and inaccurate name from someone I don’t think I ever interacted with about something completely non-offensive on my part. Was going to ignore it, but I couldn’t let it stand. I’m normally more right of center, but keep my politics out of here as it appears to be a more left of center crowd and I come here to interact with my fellow Kings fans regardless of political persuasions. TKH is a refuge from the insanity out there and I’m pretty sure no one changed their mind on a hot button issue based on comments after an article.
I wanted Vlade to draft Player X over Player Y as much as anyone, but now I’m glad we don’t have either of them.
I couldn’t agree more!!! We are in a much better position now than if we would have drafted player X over player Y and the future is much brighter too!
I keep imagining we’d taken JJJ. Him and Sabonis on the front line. Scary.
Richie was a strong advocate for JJJ and he was right about the player he would develop into.
Thanks Greg.
Thank you for moderating. I wouldn’t want that burden.
Thanks for keeping this a good place to hang out.
Please don’t violate Threadiquette.
I was searching the rules for the “Please don’t boo” rule.
I guess it’s ok to boo now.
Threadiquette? What happened?
Somebody stomp on someone’s sternum or something?
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