Domantas Sabonis underwent X-Rays following an incident in Game 2 on the Western Conference Playoffs in which Draymond Green stomped on Sabonis’ chest. Draymond Green was ejected for the incident.
The stomp that got Draymond ejected
— Sara Hodges KOVR (@saratalkssports) April 18, 2023
Luckily, ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski reports that the X-rays came back negative and Sabonis has no serious injuries:
X-rays returned negative on Sabonis’ sternum and it appears he’s avoided injury, source tells ESPN. He will undergo additional testing on Tuesday as a precaution.
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) April 18, 2023
Sabonis continued to play after the incident, and in a post game interview he downplayed the incident as simply being “playoff basketball”.
Despite Sabonis taking the high road, Draymond Green attempted to deflect blame onto Sabonis:
"My leg got grabbed. Second time in two nights. Referees just watch it.”
-Draymond talks about his flagrant on Sabonis
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) April 18, 2023
Various replays call into question whether Sabonis’ grab was even intentional:
THIS ANGLE MAKES IT EVEN WORSE.— Joy De’Angela (@joydeangela) April 18, 2023
After the Game, Alex Len chimed on in the play:
"It was obvious. I think it was a dirty play."
Alex Len discusses Draymond's stomp
— Kings on NBCS (@NBCSKings) April 18, 2023
Given Draymond Green’s history of dirty plays, his egging on of the Golden 1 Center crowd as Sabonis lay on the ground in pain, and the egregious nature of the incident, Green absolutely deserves a suspension of some sort.
Personally, I doubt the league will suspend Draymond. He regularly gets away with outlandish behavior, and berates refs in a manner that would get any Kings player ejected. The league will likely continue its double standard in allowing Draymond to live by his own set of rules.
To expect anything more than a token fine is ignorant of both the league’s history of dealing with Draymond and the league’s history of fairly protecting the Sacramento Kings.
The good news is Sabonis is ok. The Kings play the Warriors next on Thursday, April, 20th.
Thank God Sabonis didn’t get cracked his ribs or damaged lungs. Hoping that nothing arises in the future.
For the third time, f*ck Draymond Green.
Fuck Draymond Green
Fuck Draymond. I hope he’s suspended.
Don’t fuck Draymond, ladies.
This is 2023
Dont f*ck Draymond, people!
Domas is a Demi-God…. Dray is just an old sad dirty boy with narrow shoulders and that’s only when he’s not cheating.
The title of this article insinuates that Domas can actually BE injured.
Domas bench presses steel girders.
Domas eats nails pregame.
Domas once kicked a hole in a wall… of the safe at Wells Fargo.
The title is clearly click-bait
Domas once shrugged off a Chuck Norris roundhouse and went about his day.
A man tried shooting Domas, and the bullet died on impact.
Domas is not real. He is an AI Cyborg.
The writhing on the ground: fake, just to get attention and some time for Fox to get a breather.
Man, watching that Draymond’s interview was laughable. He had lots of time to think on a convincing alibi than that crap he said.
He could’ve said he seen a cockroach in Domas’ chest and he was shocked because he was so afraid of roaches so he stomped on it, and I would have believed that.
Anyways, as I have said before, in the doldrum years, we’re beloved to the Tank, now we have a f*cking literal Tank. #LTB
Lamest interview of the NBA 2023 season and his alibi stank like a skunk.
I was really disappointed in Thompson. He started the whole SS with a shoulder left arm fouls that knocked Sabonis to the ground. A lazy uninformed ESPN talking head said Sabonis flopped on the morning show. Really a problem for that guy whose buddies are probably telling him he is full of crap as a pundit for that take.
The flop comment I heard that too.. it was on the background and I was thinking “wtf”… man Sabonis deserves his foul he didn’t deserve to be stomped. I hope he doesn’t get suspended and that we beat them and they don’t get to use that as an excuse.
Have you seen the report that Green has since claimed he has a sore ankle as a result of Domas grabbing his ankle? He even requested X-rays of his ankle! It didn’t look like he was favoring his ankle at all when he was egging on the crowd or when he skipped back to the locker room.
No I haven’t. What a Diva.
Here you go:
Thanks JMan. He jammed his ankle stomping on Domas chest. That is what I believe.
Draymond Green; the new emotional lesbian.
(no offense intended to any lesbians)
He is a complete nut case.
klank pushes/pulls him down, then in the interview says DS was “dirty.”
I did have no respect for these aging, desperate veterans and now I have even less if that is even possible. i.e., is there are a number less than zero?
Yes there is an entire set of unknown numbers out there at the Event Horizon where Thompson was last night.
I think he realized it and pushed the microphone away and slipped into the black hole and disappeared.
That whole issue last night was enabled by the non call in game 1 when Green pulled Sabonis to the ground and then sat and rolled over on Domas so he could not get up, all the while the trailing ref watches it and doesn’t call a foul.
Really, that was the beginning of last nights flagrant two by Green. Green: It was Monk last time, under the basket.” He was yelling at Sabonis all night long. In his face. Clapping.
And this. Why wasn’t this reviewed? Isn’t contact to the head an automatic review?
Yeah, I thought the same thing last night.
Same. Couldn’t believe that didn’t get reviewed.
Yeah, I’m not convinced that wasn’t intentional. That wasn’t a normal play on the ball.
day day is the “most intelligent player in the NBA- high BB IQ and all” this was not intentional?
Amen. That was at best a flagrant 1. Knocked him on his ass with a forearm shiver to the head.
day-day also earlier clocked DS in the jaw and Lyles across the face. And, fouled DS on the endline in the call that was challenged and overturned by coach tucker Carlson look a like. but, I forgot, he is the victim here.
If Sabonis gets hurt and the Kings lose the game last night, then Draymond would’ve easily gotten his money’s worth. The league would be creating an environment in which assaulting other players comes with obvious immediate benefits.
For the safety and integrity of the league, Draymond needs to be suspended.
Klay saying Draymond was “running full speed”. These crybabies are such a joke.
Standing still is the new running at full speed.
the duds are fast, really fast this year “running at full speed” = thinking about starting>
I lost ALL respect for Poole, Klay, and Kerr last night. SMH
Kerr attempted to completely avoid comment on the incident He claimed he didn’t see it happen, or a replay of it, and was told by one of his assistants that Draymond would likely be ejected. He basically pleaded the 5th.
Fast forward to 52 seconds:
Yeah, I was surprised that Kerr dodged the question, he is invariably a stand-up guy.
So, an assistant tells you that one of your three best players might get bounced, and you don’t take five seconds to see why? I’m calling horseshit.
He taught Luke the “I’ll have to watch the tape.” dodge.
he is not a stand up guy.
Yep. That was the moment. Kerr is WEAK. COTY Mike Brown would’ve held his players responsible for their actions on the court.
I guess he doesn’t watch the tape.
*Chef’s Kiss*
Then all of my HS 40 times are off because I clearly wasn’t slow and my times have been misinterpreted!
I did see Pooles picture on a milk carton- Missing Person.
I know Draymond is old now, but surely his top speed is higher than my 65 year old dad’s powerwalk?
I have never really watched Draymond Green closely, and the stuff he does is outlandish. There was a play last night when he had his arms up and he threw a great pass but you could tell he intentionally swung his arms through and hoping to hit a kings player in the head last night. He throws extra shifts with his forearm after a peck, all kinds of dirty, dirty little whiny ass bitch stuff boys
ESPN with JWill, Keyshawn and Maxey we’re basically defending Draymond this morning
Want2, up thread I could not remember who I watched this morning where they were blaming Sabonis for the entire thing. Now there are two asshats on Sactown Sports who have not really looked at all the angles of what happened. Really bad reporting right now.
Thanks for the reminder on who I was listening to this morning. Infuriating.
It may have been Keyshawn, JayWill and Maxey…
I think it was. Thank you.
That juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Keyshawn’s takes are almost always hot trash and he’s got a voice best suited for silent pictures.
“Draymond too this a step too far,” said Matt Barnes. It wasn’t funny at the time. The commissioner was in the audience and Dray still couldn’t hold back his anti-social self and acted out some more cursing at the fans. One game suspension that way we will beat them again for a 3-0 advantage.
Green should be suspended, but they’re 0-2 when he plays, so Sacramento’ chances are hardly dependent on the availability of one Draymond Green.
except that, with Green out, Kings players chances of staying out of the hospital are increased.
I disagree a bit. Green is still an important part of what makes GSW great. He and Looney used up nearly all of their fouls trying to stop Sabonis. The Warriors are likely screwed if he doesn’t play. Who are they going to put on Sabonis when Looney sits or gets in foul trouble? Kuminga? JaMychal Green?
Jesus Christ, can’t I insult the man by suggesting that his presence is irrelevant?
And all of you are correct.
LOL, by all means insult away!
Morning guys (sleep time here in PH). Have a dose of posts aging like fine crap (like Draymond).
Apparently his basketball is very limited.
I keep clicking on “See less,” but the hubris and stupidity keep increasing.
I live in Santa Cruz. Was at a bar full of Warriors fans watching the game, after Dray did his thing there was a guy at a table behind me calling Sabonis a bitch. I quote: “You make a million dollars a year, and you cry like then when you get stepped on?” Tools defend tools, I guess. He sure was quiet when the clock showed zeros, though.
Glad there’s no severe injury, and here’s hoping some sort of repercussion comes down from the NBA office.
There is something totally wrong with Draymond Green. IMO he is one taco short of a combination plate and needs to be evaluated. What he did last night could have caused serious damage to Sabonis, even if only the slightest chance if hit right Sabonis could have died. Then do what he did later yelling going completely out of control tells me there is something serious wrong with him mentally. If the Warriors condone and back him up or the league doesn’t go any further then there is something totally wrong with the game of basketball. My wife watched he game with me last night and after what happened asked me as a coach what I would have done about Green. My answer was simple he would never play for me. Never. Simple as that.
Draymond Green does what he does because he thinks its entertaining. You know who else does odd-ball, off the wall shit and thinks its entertaining? Clowns. Draymond Green is a clown.
Jack- we agree.
although the flipside is that day-day is so intelligent, he knows what he is doing, that this is his plan- to distract us from the duds failures and get the focus on him, brilliant mind and all.
But I agree with you – a serious DSM 2 diagnosis- like screw loose, like psychopath, like sociopath, like bully, like bat shit crazy. Like out of control.
the duds do condone him. Takes the pressure off of them. We are talking about him and not about the duds failures.
is the NBA saying that it is permissible, to stomp a guy, to run around the court gesturing, to jump up on the bench to do who knows what, to embrace teammates on the court- like, by the way, Poole who he knocked senseless in pre-season. (That guy in not only on a milk carton for missing person but suffers from the Stockholm Syndrome)
if that’s ok, next time little stephie goes down like he was tasered, then the recently activated Sim Bhullar can stomp his whiny ass? That’s ok? we will trade you some stephie ribs for Sim disqualification.
Thankful that Sabonis is ok. Draymond Green is a punk.
I don’t think this is as apt as it appears, because that baby absolutely deserved it.
The baby obviously grabbed the dudes leg while he was running full speed.
Fetus don’t fail me now.
You magnificent bastard.
that’s beautiful
So in the NBA once a player accumulates 5 flagrant foul “points” in the regular season (Flagrant 1=1 and a Flagrant 2=2) they are suspended for the following game. Flagrant foul points are wiped clean for the playoffs. In the playoffs a player is only allowed to accumulate 3 flagrant foul points. Green now has 2, so even if he isn’t suspended for the next game, he’s going to have to tread lightly.
TY for that walk through. Much appreciated.
The unintended consequence of the Draymond stomp is there is less talk on the game Davion played, his best of his career when it was needed most.
This. Davion gave the Warriors fits last night and it was too much for them.
A player who punches his teammate and then does this is not someone who should be cheered on by GSW fans. Definitely not how I’d teach my kids to play the game and treat others. Frankly there’s a lot of national media figures and Warriors players who should be ashamed of themselves today.
Most of the Warriors players last night were giving Green high fives. I wonder what they were really thinking. If that is true then I am sorry for the whole organization. Puts a taint on what they accomplished over the years and how they went about doing it. I don’t hate them too much but feel sorry for them. Not a thing to do in any basketball game. No humility what so ever.
Even Jordan Poole was applauding. What a little bitch.
Why shouldn’t he? He wasn’t doing anything else.
Give Poole credit for finding his right hand with his left hand. That’s real progress for him.
Speaking of taints, have you heard of Draymond Green?
High fives and hugs with Poole !!!! again, Poole must have brain damage from being knocked out or Stockholm Syndrome
He was thinking “I am glad this wasn’t me (again)”
He curb stomped a franchise altering All Star in front of Adam Silver and spent three minutes egging on the crowd and calling fans by the bench pussies. If he doesn’t get a suspension, Silver is weak as hell.
Fuck Green. Never liked him, and especially after I heard some stories from someone living in SF who’s connected with Warriors stuff.
My disappointed guess… he’s not suspended but is fined for obscene language/gestures to the crowd. There will be a fine at minimum for his antics after the stomp. Keep in mind, he also called out the refs by name in his postgame. That too will likely garner a fine.
Oh wow a fine. What’s in a fine for a player who makes millions. Nothing. If Silver has the guts then suspend him not one game but the entire series. Maybe then he would understand a little what he did not just last night but in his entire carrier. He IMO is not a basketball player but a basket case.
Fines should be a flat percentage tied to a player’s income.
Also a rule that should apply to society writ large, but that’s for another time.
When will we know whether Green gets a suspension? Is there a committee that meets daily to review these things and issue penalties? I’m looking up NBA rules and can’t find anything about it.
Isn’t former Sacramento Kings special advisor to the chairman – who appeared involved but wasn’t really involved until now – Joe Dumars, in charge of that stuff? Or is it still Kiki Vandeweghe?
The egging on and cursing the crowd was even more distressing to me. In the heat of a play, I can understand a player doing something out of line.
However, after the play, when things calm down, most players, even if they are adamant that they are in the right, at the very least try to appear calm and above the situation.
The other night, Kyle Anderson had an altercation with one of the Denver Nuggets. Shortly after, he approached the guy and either apologized or made some sort of amends.
Not Draymond.
He eggs on the crowd and curses them. WTF, is this wrestling (or wrastling, as Karl Malone would say)?
Silver was in the house when it happened.
Green needs to be suspended for the series to send a message that this isn’t wrestling.
I don’t want Green suspended because I want the Kings to beat the Warriors and leave them no excuses.
I also don’t want Green suspended for ONE game. If Green is suspended for the next game, the Kings will probably win, going up 3-0, which his probably insurmountable for the Warriors.
If that happens and Green comes back for Game 4, I have no doubt that he will make a point of injuring Sabonis or Fox or Huerter, to knock them out for the remainder of the playoffs.
Oh, and by the way, I have no faith Silver will do anything.
Yep. It’s all fun in games until you have Malice at the Palace, 2.0.
We’re probably very lucky that any of the dozens or hundreds of fans in that section by the Warriors bench didn’t decide to throw a rally towel/beer/nachos at Green, because with emotions that high, that probably would’ve been the spark to set off the Calamity at the G1C.
It’s good to hear that Sabonis is okay………..
Now, it’s time to beat those Warriors…..4-0 !!!!!!!!
Game 1: Draymond flops and sits down on Sabonis and rolls on top of him towards the end of game. Ref just watches.
Game 2: Draymond pushes Sabonis out of bounds and Domas falls. Play stopped. No foul. Refs shrug.
Game 2: Draymond stomps on Sabonis sternum (interesting how ESPN calls it a “hard step” and won’t use the word stomp). Draymond incites the crowd.
All of this is done to the guy who was 6th in the MVP race. Commissioner Silver in attendance, cannot claim he didn’t see it (like Steve Kerr claims which is lame).
This is okay with the NBA? Because if it is – what is Dillon Brooks takes out Lebron (he took out GPII last playoffs and was suspended) ? or AD? Is that ok?
This is how the NBA wants to represent itself?
I think there was also a foul called on Domas last night when he was just trying to run back onto the court after a play, and Green conveniently ‘fell’ into his path. No way to prove it was intentional on Green’s part, but it sure fits his pattern of behavior.
foul called on Green but challenged and overturned.
Fuck Draymond. LTB 4/20.
Best response is the Kings come out in Game 3, hit the Warriors in the throat with a win, and watch them and their fans begin to completely unravel.
This is the way.
This is not basketball. Play the game the way it should be played then the outcome should be the way it should be.
Well said Jack. Don’t lower yourself. This ain’t hockey, it is hardwood ballet.
Win, and win the right way. Go Kings
I don’t think he was being literal, I could be wrong. The win would be the throat punch
Agree. I also read it as metaphorical.
Correct, it was not literal. Though, I can see how the “with the win” may have been overlooked after reading the first part, with the incident still being fresh in people’s minds.
In order to clarify, it wasn’t hit them in the throat, physically. It was hit them in the throat with a win. As in, the Kings coming in to Chase and winning game three would be the equivalent to a throat punch, and would leave team and fans alike reeling from going 0-3 against the “#3 seed everyone was hoping to face” Kings.
They’ve been unraveling since the end of game 1, if we’re being honest. Their denial was masking it, but they were definitely unraveling.
So many people and players in the national media are defending Draymond. Are we watching the same video?? They’re blaming Domas for grabbing the leg like that instigated, but totally ignore that Klay fouled Domas by knocking him down first. Not saying two wrongs make a right, but if anything the foul by Klay started the whole sequence right there. Not to mention the previous three quarters of play.
Draymond, probably
Exactly, Thompson fouled Sabonis and knocked him to the ground and then did that lame interview last night. He started the entire sequence.
My guess is that the video many are reacting to doesn’t include the second or two before the leg grab that actually shows how the Dominator ended up on the ground in the first place. Such is the world of the 24 hr. news cycle. We don’t have time for context anymore. Just REACTIONS!
Don’t get why anyone is defending Draymond. Domas grabbing his leg was at worst, a garden variety run of the mill ticky tacky foul, which you see many times in most NBA games. But the stomp…To me it’s the same as if a player got a common foul like a little push or getting their arm tangled in another player’s arm, and the other player punching him in the face in retribution, no way to justify that. The excuses Green and a few of his teammates gave are laughable. It was not an accident, it was purposeful
Dear NBA,
Whatever you allow Draymond to get away with, you set a bar for Dillon Brooks to do to LeBron James. Please keep that in mind when reviewing this issue.
Guy who reminds you that your fucking gravy train could be next if you don’t do something about it
An attenpt to go back to basketball:
I alo wonder what the W’s ratings are with and without Green. I am not 100% sure a suspension helps us. Fox seemed to be actively hunting the switch with Green.
I think it would help quite a bit. Aside from Steph, who is their other playmaker? Draymond. This is why Livingston and Iggy were so crucial on those Warriors’ teams. They had 3 or 4 playmakers at a time. Right now, they’re betting on Poole to be a better version of Livingston and it’s not panning out. Klay can’t dribble.
When Green left the floor, everything unraveled for the Dubs offensively. Klay just made a couple of tough threes. Draymond on the floor keeps them from being a one dimensional offense and a solid defense despite Klay and Steph’s matador D.
If they’re winning, the ratings are high. Once they stop winning, they’ll evaporate, and it won’t matter whether their Hall-of-Famers are still there or not. That’s a bandwagon-y fanbase, which makes sense, given the Giants “fans.”
I heart this comment. Lots.
Imagine trying to defend Draymond Green, as if he’s never done any shit like this before.
Warriors fans and players are shameless.
What gets me is knowing full well how the majority of us on this blog were absolutely done with DMC and his antics. We knew he was an ass and deservedly got punished many times. The majority of Warriors fans, on the other hand, completely excuse Draymond’s bullshit, even when he punched his teammate in the face! I guess winning lets you swallow a lot of ugly pills? It’s an ugly example of privilege in our society today.
Eh, it took quite a long time before the majority of the fans were done with DMC.
The excuses that were made for him are not that dissimilar to the Green apologistics.
To be fair, Draymond kicks players in the balls.
DeMarcus hits players in the hands with his balls.
A long time? DMC lasted 6 years in Sac, and I think a lot of us were done with him in less than 6. Draymond just wrapped up year 11 with the Warriors and they are still making excuses for him. I guess winning cures all.
A lot of us on here/StR. But the majority of Kings’ fans were/still are DMC apologists.
I was done with Cousins midway through his rookie year when he fought with Dante Green because Green passed to Tyreke for a game winner, instead of him. It completely cemented the basketcase he was made out to be pre-draft, and rightfully so as we would continue to see.
When you’re an Ox, getting kicked by a donkey is equal to a pat on the back.
A little off thread here. I was at the game last night, and I forgot to record it. There was a play relatively early in the game where Huerter got called for a foul. I think when he was fighting through a screen and the player totally flopped. I thinks it was Poole that flopped and does anybody remember if it was middle of the first or early in the second. I saw the replay in the arena and it almost looks like the warrior player tripped.
I think it was in the second period. After the foul, the ball was being thrown back in and they called Huerter for a foul too. I am going to enjoy the game again and I’ll come back and let you know Want2.
Yes, that was where they got him for holding Thompson and Thompson pushed off of him. It should’ve been a no call.
I am glad you were able to be at the game. What an experience! I watched the game again and thenKings beat them worse the second time…
The Huerter Two fouls were at 11:47 or so of the 4th quarter. I think it was Poole who was trying to keep a
Ball inbounds and dove to do that. Kevin was pushing him pretty hard on an earlier cut and that probably influenced the foul call. I could not see a W’s player trip his own player accidentally. The view was blocked a little by the angle of the camera. But, I do think the W’s player either tripped as you say or was diving to keep the ball in bounds. That killed Kevin’s night.
However when Davion hit his three it was Kevin who had the biggest positive reaction jumping off the Kings bench with a huge smile on his face.
Wow thanks so much.. very kind of you to fill it in for me… I got two tickets. If there is a game five for my 20 year old sons to drive up in Cal poly to go to the game, they are so fired up.
Yes, it was a BS call as well. He totally tripped and Huerter was set and not moving at all. The Ref’s were absolutely atrocious last night. Don’t forget about the blatant double dribble on Klay that they ignored calling as well.
Blatant double dribble?? No, he was just repositing the ball ! Many of us saw that one.
In the replay you can see “daylight” between Huerter and Poole, and as mentioned Huerter was holding his position. Poole totally flopped. Like Draymond, he is a clown.
I need to find that clip.. I want shut some people up.. there were questionable calls on both sides, but a few of them crack me up.