
Advertise / Donate

We are funded by fans/supporters of the Sacramento Kings and our sponsors. We appreciate everyone’s support and if you are interested in either donating to our efforts or becoming a sponsor partner, here is how to do so.


We are raising funds through Patreon. If you enjoy reading our content and participating in our forums, please help us out by donating what you can. Our donation page can be found here.

If you have any questions about our fundraising campaign, email us at [email protected].


We value being part of the Sacramento community and take pride in helping local businesses succeed. If you partner with us, you become a part of our team and we will support you and continue to tell our followers to do the same. If you are a business interested in partnering with us for a sponsorship opportunity, please reach out to us. We can get back to you with an advertising package that details our offerings.

If you have any questions about advertising, email us at [email protected].