After nearly a decade’s worth of reports that the Sacramento Kings have understaffed their scouting and front office positions, owner Vivek Ranadive seems to finally be taking action to address those concerns. In the last few days, recently fired former Head Coach Alvin Gentry was added to the front office group as the Vice President of Basketball Engagement, not to be confused with Ty Corbin’s former title of Advisor to the Front Office, which had completely different responsibilities. Reports are also unclear as to how much Gentry’s new position will backfill Joe Dumars’ former role as the Chief Strategy Officer.
Today, the Sacramento Kings continued their trend of bolstering their management team, as they named Anjali Ranadive as the Assistant General Manager of the Stockton Kings, according to Sean Cunningham of Fox40.
Anjali Ranadive, daughter of Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadive, is the new Assistant General Manager of the G League Stockton Kings, according to multiple sources. She is with the Kings in Chicago for the week’s NBA Draft Combine.
— Sean Cunningham (@SeanCunningham) May 17, 2022
Anjali graduated from UC Berkley with a degree in marine science in 2013, has played in the NBA Celebrity Game, represented the Sacramento Kings at the 2014 NBA Lottery, and most recently worked with the Kings in the Social Responsibility Department, a compelling level of experience within the league. The additions of Mike Brown and Anjali Ranadive, as well as the re-addition of Alvin Gentry should offer a hopeful future for a once hopeless fanbase.
Like I said in the other thread, what a fucking joke. She’s 29 and has zero experience in basketball matters, other than singing the National Anthem. Vivek just cursed us all with the Lottery gods.
Unbelievable. “Thanks Daddy!”
Are those in order of priority?
I was hoping it would read:
“Sacramento Kings Rescue”
In fairness, Joe made Kirk Lacob an Assistant GM for the Dubs at a fairly young age. He never got any flack for that, but then again they were winning. Plus Kirk married Michelle Wie, so he’s a winner in life.
To be fair, my dad used to take out the trash.
Then he gave me that job.
Did you have prior trash taking experience or were you completely unqualified for the job?
I sang during halftime of the Super Bowl.
(I left the living room, ran to the bathroom to take a shower while the Super Bowl halftime show was going on. I sang Twist And Shout)
I hate this reasoning. Because some other owner acts like an asshole, does the wrong thing, doesn’t make it ok that Vivek does.
This sh!t is hilarious. From The Bee:
That’s code for “she’s going to spy and report to daddy”. Just when you thought the little shitbird couldn’t further alienate the fanbase he comes up with this shit.
It has got to be nice being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Both son and daughter have it made, don’t have to work for anything, just have shit handed to you.
Not going to disagree by any means, but it is kind of interesting how some industries that are multi-generational family businesses are romanticized…. Third generation Italian restaurant, Simpson and Sons homebuilders for over 100 years… etc. etc. It’s kind of interesting where it’s accepted and where it’s not.
I think the difference is folks grow up in the family business and learn the ropes over years of experience. This is not the case here. Anjali was sining pop songs just a few years ago and has about as much basketball op experience as any of us on this blog, but now she is co-piloting a professional basketball team.
Oh my god. Vivek is such an ass. Such an ego.
This is gross. This is a joke.
Did Vivek give jobs in his other businesses to people who know nothing about that Biz ?
Seriously Vivek, fuck off already.
Not as bad, but he did hire Vlade to be the GM.
Pump the brakes on this manure wagon. You are overlooking the positives.
1. She isnt the asst gm of the kings
2. She cant be worse than daddy’s bball decisions?
3. Men across india now hate vivek for empowering a female
4. She wont be another name on the list of front office firings
5. Uhhhhh….thats all i got.
Hoping the title is really assistant to the gm… big difference. Same stupidity but less impactful. Dont the other owners have any say?
F*cking hell. Really Vivek?

Vi-wreck Ruindiva
ShitVek Egodive
Vivek Wanna-Dive-Eh?
Now that I’m an ex-Kangz fan (as of two days ago) and a full-blown Mavs (Luka) fan (as was my stolen birthright) this kind of crap cracks me up on a whole new (way less depressing) level! Go Mavs!
I made the same semi switch years back due to Dirk and it has just continued with Luka.
Jesus Fucking Christ.
This has nothing to do with Jesus but a whole helluva lot to do with Satan.
Embrace the clown show and it makes perfect sense.
I hate clowns.
If the Kings were as successful as the other nepotism cases like Jeannie Buss with LAL and Mickey Arison with the Heat, this wouldn’t be any news. Since this is the KANGZ, it’s a thing.
Jeannie Buss has a business degree and worked in multiple sports endeavors before working full time with the Lakers, where she worked her way up over a few decades Anjail is a 29 year failed pop star starting at assistant GM of the development team. One is not like the other.
Failed pop star? People with lots of money giving their kids these types of opportunities?
I’m getting “It’s Friday” vibes…
I don’t remember seeing this in “Winning Time” so I doubt that any of this is true.
I haven’t seen that yet, but I know she worked in a tennis league, roller hockey league and ran arena operations at the Forum before she worked for the Lakers in the late 90’s. It many seem all the much, but it is experience nonetheless.
Well I was mostly making a joke about “Winning Time” as many of the people are taking issue with the way they have been portrayed. Jerry West is so pissed he’s suing HBO.
I enjoyed Winning Time. It’s based on a true story. As a Kings fan it appealed to me in the sense of showing how much fucked up behind the scenes there is even with the most successful teams.
BASED does not = true
I’d also point out, Adam, that Jeanie isn’t alone. She has 5 siblings that are all involved with the Lakers. And were when Jerry Buss was alive.
true that.
Vivek shredded my Kings fandom some time ago, but I genuinely wish the King Herald community the very best and hope you all find happiness soon. I don’t know if anyone “deserves” whatever life throws at them (good or bad), but surely you all deserve better than this troll of an “owner” that’s running this team into the ground. So sorry, friends — good luck.
Jumping to conclusions once again.
No evidence that Vivek knew that the Anjali Ranadive he was appointing to the Stockton GM role was one and the same Anjali Ranadive as he used to list as a dependent on his tax returns. Find another slant.
Show me her long form birth certificate.
You can add Nepotism to the long list of Vivek dysfunction. Congrats on ruining the Draft lottery for me today! Sigh…
Auto reply
Can we make this a reality? Please
Somebody once told me it all started with a funny graphic on an internet forum.
Hey, I’m as much of a populist as the next guy, eat the rich and all that, but this doesn’t bother me. Anjali is clearly the most engaged Ranadive heir. If she’s going to assume the throne, I’ve got no problem with giving her a training wheels job.
Isn’t she the one who was raving about Marvin Bagley?
“Anjali, Kings fans are upset with your talent evaluation.”
“Let them eat cakepops.”
Vlade started it.
I wouldn’t care if it was a training wheels job. Assistant GM of a G League team is not a training wheels job.
Meh, that’s fair. I’ve turned into a numb basketball nihilist. Survival sickness.
Yeah, if she had some PR job in marketing, public relations, or fan experience for a while to learn the ins and outs of the business first, that would be different. She is instead going to be apart of the decision making of people’s careers and doing actual basketball related work. It’s the kind of job real basketball minds may work decades for.
Like, aren’t you supposed to start off as Video Coordinator at least?
How do you any of you have any outrage left?
I have inrage now.
I’m sure she’s made lots of videos.
You thought this is worse? just wait when the Kings announce next year that the new GM or assistant GM of the Sacramento Kings would be Aneel Ranadive!
I can see it right now. What a joke!
I’m trying to not laugh, but I’m not succeeding.
All I can do is laugh at this point. Being a Kings fan is so embarrassing. lol
Hey, everybody, what’s…
… I’ll see you back in the lottery thread.
All offspring offered these positions should be required to get the Mark Davis haircut. Make her choose if she really wants this or not.
Nepotism? Absolutely.
With that said, I find it hard to get myself very outraged over a G-League minor front office role. It’s dumb, pointless… but mostly harmless.
Is Peja still on the payroll? Maybe he can serve as Special Advisor to the Asst. GM of the Stockton Kings. We can get some ROI on the investment in his development as a Front Office exec!
I read that book. It was bleak.
In one year of experience and then Assistant to Kings GM . It is insulting -period and deprives a BBall lifer of an opportunity .
Perfect for California
A vegan activist, animal rescuer, and another fool to embarrass this franchise even more. F this owner and his clueless family members . I quit man, I just can’t take it anymore.
interesting take ????
It’s not even Nepotism November yet!
Her Insta is goin’ be poppin’!! (did I do that right?)
I think poppin’ was used in the 90’s. Perhaps ‘it’s gon be lit’ is more apt.
Can I apply to be the Assistant to the Assistant General Manager of the Stockton Kings?
Vivek heard about “Take your daughter to work” day, and overachieved.
The Kings’ Social Responsibility Department must have an incredible employee development plan! Are they accepting applications for the new opening?
Who’s your daddy?
If this is the first interview question my chances at the job are low. Maybe I should look into a pop singing career first to build my resume.
She went from the person picking out which paper straws to use in the arena to deciding the basketball careers of young men over night.
Why do they keep making a joke out of the Kings organization?
A: To get to the other side.
Random question, are there any other females in this kind of role round the league? I’m 99% certain there aren’t in the NBA, but are there others in the G-League?
One of the AGMs of Paul Johnson is a woman named Sydney something. But, as you no doubt might have guessed, her resume is filled with basketball things.
Jill Adge mentioned her on Twitter. Or, no, Omer mentioned her. Still, points the same.
I kind of figured if there were women in those kind of positions around the league they would be more than qualified and would have already broken multiple glass ceilings. I find it depressing that someone like Anjali is gifted that kind of job when there are likely dozens of women who are more qualified and deserving of an assistant GM job in the G-League.
Here’s a depressing thought. She’s been sent to Stockton to get her out of the social media engagement gig as they were sick of her.
Being an AGM of a minor league team is loads of work AND creativity is critical. Wouldn’t surprise me if she flamed out in a month.
I think the Pacers have a female assistant GM. That was who they had represent them at the lottery. The Pels also have a woman as a VP who was at the lottery
You have this all wrong. This is a good thing. She is the future owner of the team. It is good to get her some basketball experience before that happens. The hope is she will be a better owner than her old man. What better way to get that experience than in the G league where very little that happens there matters.
Think of this like training for her future ownership of the team.
We laugh now, but…
By the time she might be the one in charge they’ll be the Seattle SuperSonics or the Las Vegas Kings. If you didn’t think that they were purposely trying to drive fans away before, you should consider it now.
There I was, getting ready for the biggest event of the year, the Pre Lottery Hope Half Hour, and I see this. Why, oh why, can’t Rich People Good At Only One Thing just write checks, sit in the front row, and let People Good At Sports run the damn team?
It’s Anjali World’s World. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am so goddamn tired of Vivek Ranadive.
Good night, and good luck.
Good luck to the poor GM she reports to…
The GM will be looking for a job next season. Book it .
Paul Johnson.
I simply cannot find anything good to say about this. and plenty of bad.
Blind, brain dead, self-serving decision. There are plenty of well deserving people who deserve this. BB evaluation? are you kidding me.????
No experience, no knowledge
Taking the throne from the Lacob’s and Buss’s. But, In reverse. Simply Stupid. Why would the Kings hire a Qualified NBA mind? Instead lets hire a failed singer, model, actress. Whose papi happens to be loaded. But, does not have enough clout to convince the entertainment industry. Your daughter is talentless. So, Lets groom her for a future GM role with the KIngs. It’s par for the course with this joke organization. Making basketball decisions without paying any dues. This is going to be a long standing running joke with this organization for years.
Can you say “sinecure?” Then say it.
Success in the business world is not about what you have to offer or have done. It’s who you know. And she knows Daddy.
I have 2 takes.
Badge Legend