Wednesday’s loss to the Los Angeles Clippers was ugly and disappointing, especially coming off the emotional high of the win over the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday, but the biggest bright spot in the loss was the performance of De’Aaron Fox. After playing 40 minutes and scoring 29 points against the Warriors, Fox followed it up by playing 37 minutes and dropping 40 against the Clips. It’s yet another great game from the Kings star, who has taken yet another leap this season.
Last season saw Fox put together his best year of his career, in which Fox averaged 25 points, 6.1 assists, and 4.2 rebounds while also stepping up on defense. This year, through 12 games, Fox is averaging 30.7 points per game, 5.8 assists, 4.8 rebounds, is still engaged defensively, and has also stepped up both his volume and accuracy from beyond the arc. Fox is shooting 8.5 threes per game and shooting 36.3% from deep, by far the best of his career.
While 12 games is still a small sample size, there’s nothing about this season that has looked like a fluke. Fox started the season strong only to miss five games with an ankle injury. Upon his return, it was like Fox hadn’t missed a second.
Fox has come so far from the young kid who first arrived in Sacramento. We spent years wondering if he would ever hold his own on defense or if he would ever develop a deep shot to keep defenses honest. Fox has done both, and is realizing his full potential in a way even the most optimistic fans had only imagined.
I don’t think that there’s a player in the league that sees De’Aaron Fox standing in front of them and licks their chops, regardless of which of them has the ball. Fox has the ability to disrupt a game at any moment, in nearly any situation.
Marriage and fatherhood seem to be agreeing with him.
Taking a leap is better than turning a corner, right?
We used to think we’d turned a corner so many times…
also better than second jumps
Oh, nice.
What about his imprint? lol
The thing I like best about this is that it isn’t one huge leap where in a single season he went from good to amazing making us worry if it is sustainable. This has been a series of progressions on both sides of the ball. In the last 3 or so years he’s grown from the best player on the team but not quite good enough to reach AS status while being a liability on defense, to being an all star and stepping up his defense, to being a shoe-in all star, defending the best shooters on the other team, and leading the team both vocally and by example. To the point now where he might not have a legit chance to be an MVP, but he’s as least mentioned in most conversations. He is absolutely the focus of every team we play and they still can’t stop him.
Fox is finally the player where you say, Okay this is our long term tentpole that we can build around. I really like him and Sabonis together, but I wish Sabonis could figure out how to adapt when certain teams take a way a key part of his game the way Fox does. I feel like Sabonis is still the same really solid player he has been since we got him, but I haven’t seen him up his game the way Fox has.
It’s going to be interesting to see if Keegan can make the kind of leaps Fox has. I could see him ultimately becoming a solid number three option. But I could also see him being more of a consistently solid starter.
If Sabonis or Murray could take their games up another level, I feel like we, maybe, could have a solid contender just by keeping what what have now with a few changes here and there. Otherwise I think we’re going to need to put a package together to bring in a number two option. (As opposed to the some of the options we’ve had in the past that just play like number two.)
Just wondering. If you have a choice to who you could trade for would it be OG Anunoby or Lauri Markkenen?
Lauri is more of a PF and has another year on his contract. But OG is the better defender, and has a player option for next season. tough call.
For me, it’s not even close…Markkanen, as he’s a better overall player, better rebounder and offensive player, similar defensive impact, and brings something we need from the PF position and that is length…but I don’t think he’s remotely available, even for a Gobert-like trade, which is kind of ironic.
Completely agree. The Jazz have zero reason to trade him. They are a young team and he is one of the key pieces they are building around now. I think our best shot is Siakam, but again, only if he was at least mildly excited about coming to the Kings.
Siakam would be one of those risks I’m scared of though because of his pending free-agency. we’d have to have a high level of confidence that we could keep him.
Markenon, Trader Jack. OG would have to come with his own training staff and hospital bed.
For me, so much would depend on how much they were excited about coming to the Kings, how healthy they’ve been, and if they bought into the system. To get a really big name it is going to cost us not only multiple first round picks, but also some players it is going to hurt to give up. So it can’t be a one and done thing or something where we are taking a bigger risk than most trades are just by their nature.
I think we need to be looking at the Sabonis trade as a measuring stick. Solid player with a good health history who fit the system and wasn’t coming to Sac against his will. Basically you’re looking for a team who is willing to give up a known valuable asset for a big haul because they are rebuilding.
Those opportunities are rare enough that we shouldn’t even be considering a Zach Levine type deal in my opinion. Not because he couldn’t help us, or even because we might be able to get him without giving up so much, but because we need to have enough ammunition that when the right deal comes along we are armed and ready to pull the trigger. (I know there is probably a better metaphor that isn’t gun related, but you get the idea.)
OG would an amazing player, but he’s made it clear that he isn’t willing to commit to a long term deal before becoming a free agent. so unless he tells the Kings something different, I would be super nervous about that.
Finally, I’ll just say that I know Sac isn’t considered an ideal destination. Sometimes you have to trade for a player and win them over like we did with C Webb. But I believe that with Mike Brown, our current record, Fox, and the national attention we’ve been getting, we might actually be a team that a star player would be interested in coming to.
Agreed. I was reading an article on the Beal trade (and link it if I ever find it again) where he commented on the teams that he preferred to go to. One of the few was Sac. He did comment that he didn’t mind going to the Kings but he mentioned that we are a good young team and that if he went to Sac, we would have to give up most of the assets that got us to this point.
The way I read it is that Star players nowadays consider going to small market teams as long as you are good. It doesn’t matter if the Kings played at Cheyenne, WY. What matters to them now is winning. The money is the same every where you go as an NBA player.
Still a tough climb because Sac nightlife isn’t that big and being on the west coast means not as much coverage normally. But people like watching the Kings play which is getting more national coverage, and media attention=marketing $.
Yea, I remember going to a game about 4 years ago against the Blazers and the game ended at around 10 pm. Everything around G1C was closed except for Yardhouse and it was weird seeing Dame and Hezonja pulling up to a Yardhouse cause that was the only spot open lol.
I haven’t been back since but hopefully that has changed.
Honestly wild to see us getting 22 National TV games this year (counting NBATV). It doesn’t hurt that the brand of basketball the Kings play is fun.
I definitely would trade for Markkenen, but it would take another crazy trade(haliburton for Domas) to do that. The question is would you trade Keegan for Markkenen? At this point(I’m probably the minority), but I would…
I would too but I’m not sure if Ainge would.
He might. He and Monty can work together to get a deal done.I don’t know about the GM for the Raptors. Danny might want some more first rounders. If you give him 3 he just might do it. Would it be worth it. L’d say so. Could if normally healthy.
That would be 3 late 1st rounders though, potentially. I’m sure it’s worth a try but if Lauri is available OKC and some other teams with better assets can give him more than he can imagine.
I would not.
Fox around and find out
Fox comments- good analysis. He has stepped up his game. He just looks confident, like” I know I am fucking sweet” – that’s a quote.
DS has plateaued. I don’t expect him to get much better. Keegan, on the other hand, seemed poised to make a leap but the results so far are unclear- defense is clearly better, offensive more diversified and rebounding improved but 3 points % is way down and offensive impact seems low- more shots, less makes.
Teams are taking a page from the playoff duds- and blitzing the DHO and building a wall at the free throw line. Fox faces 3 guys. There has to e a recovery strategy for that. Domas seems to be stuck at the elbow, clogging the lanes.
LAC did that last night, but duds did it more. It would seem that the corners should be open if there are 3 guys at the foul line and at least one under the hoop. I will have to look at film (LOL)
Sasha had a last year Keegan game last night- 13 points on 5 makes, 3 from 3. His defense is better- anticipates, is clumsy and can be overpowered but gets quite a few steals and deflections and works hard on the boards. This is where the internal improvement may come.
West is still tight. It is early but we may be seeing the top 10 right now and it does not include the duds who are without Wiggins tonight and Payton for months.
I think they are thin psychological ice right now- a victim of over inflated expectations and plenty of blame and finger pointing. Injuries are inevitable for them without a deep floor for protection. I would love them to trade klank- to get current value they could get, maybe Nik Batuum??Then they can all go around with the perpetual perplexed look on their faces- coach steve like Tucker Carlson’s- quizzical look.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Sasha’s defense. He’s not mind-blowing, but he puts a hell of a lot of effort and energy into it, and definitely isn’t the traffic cone he was advertised as prior to coming over.
As he continues to get adjusted, we’re going to see him become a very solid piece of the rotation.
Tyrese Wholiburton?

I’m thinking about a what if scenario where we could have drafted Sengun instead of Mitchell and kept Hali and Fox together.
Lots of butterfly effects to this. Keegan doesn’t get drafted, and Kings might still have Holmes and Buddy. That liekly means no Huerter or Monk and a high chance of a 17+ year playoff drought.
Still worth it?
Yea it would be Fox/Hali/Sengun/Buddy/Monk
I still think Monte would have signed Monk
EDIT: First team would really look like a glass cannon and Second team as constructed right now has a bit of defense mixed in.
I love and Miss Haliburton. Loved his game moment saw him play.
Fox blossoming (shooting) allows me to not be so upset the Kings parted with such an amazing player.
I am extremely impressed and surprised that Fox has taken this leap. That he seems to be able to shoot. Top 10 player on the rise.
Hang on, did you just say you love Miss Haliburton? I think we need pictures.
Yes same but it’s the competitor in me to root for the kid to have success but not as successful as the Kings.
OK In have been thinking about this for some time and would appreciate your comments. I am going to ask some questions and would really like replies.If you were in control of the Kings future what would you do? Do you wait to content how for higher playoffs and possibly a championship or two or wait 2 or 3 years using your draft capital, possible trades and free agency to move up in the standings? If you contend now do you have enough internal growth with what you have to contend? You do have some good young players to develop like Ellis, Jones and Edwards. Would have included Sasha but he is 28 along with your starters.Maybe 1 or 2 G league players. If not do you now trade for 1 or 2 really good impact players to make your run now? Will this change your culture ? Players like Siakam, Anunoby or Markkenen could put you over the top. In order to get someone big you have to give up something big.Your best bet would trade someone with compensation. That compensation would probably be 3 firsts or 2 firsts and a third first trade swap. What are these firsts? Certainly not lottery picks but more like high teens or in the 20’s or 30’s. You also have a lot of second round picks and could bundle these with some firsts to move up.If you wait another 2 or 3 years your starters will be getting older.If you trade now you have 1 or 2 spots where you could improve. One might be a starter wing and a backup center to Sabonis.So many questions. Will you contend now and give up a player and draft picks or wait and see what develops? Appreciate your comments. GO KINGS!
I’d hit up ATL and try and make the 2024 pick unprotected (hopefully involving Saddiq Bey). It’s already likely to convey if the Kings don’t land in the lottery, but I’d want to free up the protections for the next few years ASAP. This would allow Monte to move more future picks for a big move for someone like OG or whoever you had in mind.
Basically just clean slate all future obligations and hit the ground running long before the deadline.
I had i/n mind Lauri Markkenen.
It’s at the point where, as I’m watching the game, I get surprised whenever Fox does NOT get to exactly where he wants to go and does exactly what he wants to do.
Fox is Fing nice, I would say he went from fringe All-Star to for sure All-star, don’t know if I’m quite ready to say Superstar maybe if he can do it all year. Problem is supporting cast is inconsistent and Domas might be a bit overrated. Love this team, I see a little growth but we’re still a piece or two away from contender.
Its been great to see Fox’s evolution from rookie to all-star. He has reminded me that patience is important with players, that heart matters just as much as physical attributes, and that leadership is a process, a role that is earned with actions more than words but most importantly is earned by the results you achieve.
I’m glad we have someone who’s not just good at basketball but good at life. You can tell by the way his family, teammates and coaches respect him and look to him to lead. I think he has what it takes to achieve whatever he sets his mind to, and I’m glad he’s doing that with the Kings.
Interesting analysis, considering the source, here:
He leapt.
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