The Kings Herald

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Let Them Hear It

By | 0 Comments | Feb 19, 2019

Tonight the Sacramento Kings will take on the Oklahoma City Thunder before millions of viewers nationwide tuned in to TNT. Hopefully, you'll be among the 17,317 in the building. (Get tickets now if you don't have them. 1-888-91-KINGS or the box office or Kings.com.)

We will have the attention of the Sacramento City Council, of the NBA league office and of any potential future owners of or investors in the new facility or the basketball team. (AEG, Burkle … they are paying attention.) More importantly, we will have the attention of the national media, who won't be able to avoid writing about the amazing fight and panache of the people of Sacramento and our elected leader, Kevin Johnson. The Maloofs tried to leave our city a year ago, and we didn't lay down. We stood up, and we fought. And we're still standing. And we're still fighting. And we won't stop until there are shovels in the ground.

All of those parties watching: let them hear it.

1. Wear black, wave your rally towel and cheer the hell out of the Sacramento Kings.

2. At tip-off, jump with the Goon Squad. The section behind the Kings bench always gets into it, but on such a special occasion, it'd be wonderful to get the whole building into it. (This comes at the request of Sign Lady. You don't want to dissapoint Sign Lady, do you?)

3. Lead and join into "Here We Stay" and "Sac-ra-men-to" chants during stoppages in play, coming out of timeouts and Thunder free throws. Print and pass out Here We Stay chant flyers. We've heard these chants come through television broadcasts in the past. That's on the local broadcasts. TNT loves to crank up the crowd noise. Let's do the work for them.

This is an incredible opportunity for us to be heard on a national stage with focused local attention. It's time to show the country what being a fan of the Sacramento Kings is all about. Let's do this.

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