Barring any big breaking news, we are not planning any additional articles to be published on Christmas Day. We want to wish everyone a happy holidays. As we near the end of another calendar year, I want to thank everyone who supports this site through reading, commenting, and listening to the things we share. We wouldn’t be here without you and your support. Here’s hoping Santa brings everyone a small forward for Christmas.
This thread can also be used as an open thread to discuss the Christmas Day slate of games, as well as any other NBA throughout the day.
Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone.
Merry Christmas! Be safe and
Happy Holidays friends! Be well and safe this season. Hug and talk with the ones you love. It goes a long way.
Merry Kangzmas!
Good tidings, and stuff.
Merry Christmas, y’all.
Merry Christmas to all of you on King’s Herald. I appreciate all of you even if you don’t agree with all of my comments. That’s what makes the world go round. GO KINGS!
And that’s why I think they should blow it up….wait, wrong thread.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Happy Holidays, y’all. Have a fun and safe time celebrating with family and friends.
Time for my annual viewing of A Charlie Brown Christmas.
I felt like Charlie Brown watching the Pacer game
Merry Christmas to my long suffering KTH brothers and sisters. All I want for Christmas is a clear vision for the team.
Holiday Vibe, Kings style
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