According to a report from Eurohoops, Sasha Vezenkov called off a planned meeting with the Sacramento Kings in Las Vegas, choosing instead to wait for an offer. From Eurohoops:
Sasha Vezenkov will not travel to the US and will not meet with the Sacramento Kings management in the Las Vegas Summer. However, this doesn’t mean that he will not take an offer from the Kings and make the jump to the NBA.
Eurohoops also notes that, should he decide to stay with Olympiacos, they would likely agree to an extension as a raise, even though he just recently was extended through 2024.
Vezenkov just won Greek League MVP for the second time in his career, and is likely in the strongest bargaining position of his career. He can leverage the Kings and Olympiacos against each other and maximize his career earnings as he’s entering his prime.
It’s frustrating as a Kings fan that there could be a snag and he may not come over this summer, but it’s hard to fault Vezenkov for taking full advantage of his options.
The Kings have a small amount of the Mid-Level Exception still available, as well as the Bi-Annual Exception. We’ll see if they’re willing to dip into the BAE to bring Sasha over.
Probably going to get paid more to stay in Europe. Kings don’t have cap space to compete.
As I understand it, he makes something between 800k and 900k, so barring a pretty big raise from his current team, the Kings can likely pay him more.
The money he’d make in Europe on endorsements as an NBA player would be substantial.
He really wouldn’t make much more out here considering our cap space and California taxes.
I’d love to see him come over but he really doesn’t have much incentive considering money and playing time if he does come over.
His taxes would be *way* higher in Greece:
Income tax is 44% above 40K Euros + “Solidarity Tax” of 10% above 220K Euros
I was going to say, European countries tend to tax at higher rates, but at least you get healthcare and education instead of F-35s and nuclear weapons.
Though without a military-industrial complex we would have never been gifted Top Gun: Maverick….it’s a real give and take here Sims. Get with the program.
I’m this old, and I’ve still never seen it.
Gotta give it a shot. Watch both of them.
We both waste more time on here than it takes to watch them. Ha
That’s cruel, yet fair.
Sims never having seen Top Gun is what I like to call a ‘target rich environment’.
Maybe you should move there..of course you get a lot more nuclear energy there.. and you get high speed rail that works much better than Californias
You. Get. What. You. Pay. For.
Except in the case of Californias high speed rail…
Yeah, but our taxes supplement their defenses to a great degree.
Not arguing with you, just adding context. I’d have no problem augmenting our social safety net.
I agree we spend too much on defense, and find it annoying that the defense budget got a big boost after we pulled out of Afghanistan. Not too fond of the Ukraine mess, either.
I knew a guy who worked for a defense contractor. He told me a story about how there were different groups on the floor of the building where he work; each one worked on a unique method of destroying a city. There were like 10 of them or something.
He asked, “Do we really need 10 different ways to destroy a city? Couldn’t we get by with eight or six?” He said everyone shushed him. They had jobs to worry about.
Curious though, with that kind of know-how, how hard would it be to get a job in another engineering-type industry?
Greeks are also famous (infamous?) for not paying their taxes though! Not sure if pro athletes can get away with it but also a lot of other countries in that part of the world don’t pay the headline rate. My wife is Russian and her job there revolved around avoiding the tax system which was just par for the course. High rate, but not a high percentage of income actually taxed relative to the US.
How very American.
Greece has a 44% personal income tax rate
I always get a kick out if when people mention the high taxes in the U.S. and/or California without realizing what the rest of the free world pays in taxes.
It’s all relative. 44 percent tax rate in Greece but the cost of living is lower. CA has a high tax rate compared to other states and the highest cost of living (at least in the top 3 I would assume). I’m born and raised here but it’s hard to defend CA.
Also, 40 percent of Americans have less than $1k in savings. Couple that with the high cost of living and that works out to being served a sh@t sandwich.
And on Average less than 40% of US households pay federal income tax, and the 2020 was about 60%
Answering Daydreamer, this is a technical truth. The whole story is that ~40% of US households are too poor to pay federal income tax. All of those households who make no money do pay payroll tax, state and local taxes, property taxes (if they own anything), sales tax, etc. The 60% number Want2win cited is a temporary pandemic related spike.
Thanks,an explanation too!
And it only impacts the Kings, not the Dubs, Clips or Lakers.
Nothing is free in this world.
I know nothing about Greece or their taxes. 44% is crazy lol
this is what A Large Grecian Urn
The technical term is “tax cauldron.” The ancient Greeks raced around from city-state to city-state collecting taxes. It’s what the first marathon was all about. From that sprung Western Civilization.
A semi-important detail in this is that players in the NBA, and all professional athletes that travel the country, pay their state income taxes based on the apportioned rate of where their games are played.
This is a big important detail. Another pretty big important detail is that basketball players make enough money to have access to a huge swath of personal tax avoidance and investment strategies that completely change the calculus (yes, I know it’s not calculus) on their effective tax rates.
Nuance, context, and detail have little place in a discussion about taxes on a sports site. You start down that road and you would have to look at not just income tax, but sales tax, property tax, and all sorts of things.
I emailed the admins about this a few hours earlier. The report came initially from the Olympiacos beat reporter here. I might be living in Greece but I can’t really help you with the tax technicalities.
What I can say though is that taxes are way lower than 44% for rich athletes. There are far too many logistic parameters that lower it.
The reporter today said that the Kings cannot offer Sasha more than his current salary because of the higher taxes in the USA and that makes Olympiacos FO and fans still hold hope that the player will stay.
However, the report ends that Vezenkov only cares about playing time. They joked that he would even play for free in Sacramento if minutes were guaranteed.
Thanks for sharing this.
Terrific info, thanks
European clubs typically give salary numbers post-tax. They pick up the tab on any income tax. NBA salary numbers are pre-tax. Kings have to break out the BAE to have a chance on getting Vezenkov here.
Or… playing time.
Good for him. Get your money! I’m not too worried. I had no idea who the dude was until draft day. Hope he comes over, but if he doesn’t, no worries!
Well, we can now say with confidence that Vezenkov is not a ring-chaser.
I wouldn’t be so quick to give up a job with such stylish uniforms, either.
Giving up a job where you’re a superstar to come to another league and receive limited playing time for a similar salary would be crazy.
If he doesn’t feel that he’s good enough to demand playing time on one of the weakest franchises in the NBA, then he probably should stay in his small pond.
I doubt that’s how he feels.
Will be interesting to see what he decides. I doubt it, but could be satisfied with being a superstar in Europe if the money isn’t substantial enough.
Demand? Did you mean earn?
In the context of what I said, the two words mean the same thing.
Oh well. Bye.
On to the next one.
Not sure what he is as a basketball player.
He is clearly not dumb though.
If he is that good, then the BAE might be for him. Of course none of us know what can be in the NBA.
The candy cane uniforms are stunningly beautiful.
I wouldn’t want to travel half way around the world for a meeting either. Sounds like if he had the offer he would have came over and figured it out, so I’m not too worried.
Maybe he asked for a Zoom meeting instead.
Probably has pajamas that look like his candy cane basketball uniform.
It’s Vegas, baby. VEGAS!!
There’s no especially good reason to guarantee Vezenkov minutes. And if he expects a significant pay bump and minutes guarantee, I don’t know why you’d really bother signing him.
While I’m sure he’s talented, is he better than the 10th man on a roster? I have my doubts there.
I’d argue that he’s instantly in the Kings rotation — possibly even a starter, depending on how quickly Murray acclimates. Success overseas has translated relatively well over the last several years
If he joins the Kings, he’d make for a mean forward rotation alongside Murray and Barnes
Who has been in a similar position to Vezenkov and been productive immediately?
The closest I think of are Manu, Bogi and/or Luka
You clearly forgot Tony Parker, Rudy Gobert, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and Dirk Diggler.
You’re an idiot. ????
Always ignorant but oh so classy and decent to everyone while spouting your dumb shit.
Or perhaps you missed the joke. That’s very on brand for you.
Saw the weak attempt at a joke to veil your ignorance after your ignorance was once again so obvious. You have to insult people when your ignorance is proven.
Don’t forget about Papa G!
a closer comparison might be Mirotic or Hernangomez brothers although I am sure he is better than either of those brothers
Not in the Hustle department.
If he’s better than either Hernangomez brother, why hasn’t he played in the NBA? Or come over sooner?
That’s an interesting argument to say the least.
Why have at a minimum 20% of the players in Europe not come over and played for the Kings?
The last four players in the Kings roster are perpetually garbage. Easily outplayed by many players in Europe.
Sometimes it makes more sense to get paid more and play closer to home.
I am speculating here-why did he not come over?
a late bloomer
drafted in second round by a team that was not that interested in him
traded to the Cavs ( his rights traded)- and they did not express interest
doing well in Euro-league, why change now?
and this is a guess- perhaps not the confidence to make the shift.
There have been quite a few players, even drafted who never came to the US and it was not all skill i.e.. “I don’t think I am better than the Hernangomez brother, so I better not go”
Kings drafted Bodoriga years ago and he never came over and was a great Europ player.
I was trying to guess at a comparison, not a motivation. I think he may be on par with Mirotic but a different player and would/will have more impact than the Brothers.
Less than Bogi.
in 2017 the Kings signed a 25 year old rookie Bogdan Bogdanovic to a 3 year $27M deal (roughly $9M per year). I believe the did that with the MLE, but not sure. Although Bogi was younger and more accomplished than Sasha, I’m guessing his handlers are looking at that deal and saying he at lease deserves the BAE which is $4.1M. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
FWIW, Sasha will be 27 by the beginning of the NBA season and was just named to the All-Euro first team, just like Bogi was before he came over.
Thank you. I remember Bogi being the highest paid rookie in history, at the time. I didn’t mention it because I couldn’t remember the details, but I’ve been snickering about people saying he might be worth $1.5 mil.. That makes no sense, for him, financially, and seems ridiculously out of line with fair-market value. As you stated, the BAE would likely be much more appropriate. Euros still get no respect from the fans, at least not for anything accomplished overseas. This all being said, If he doesn’t come over, at least in time, then the Kings wasted the second half of their draft again! I’m hoping they figure this out, as I’m much more excited about his potential than what I’ve heard from most on this site.
Whether he comes over or not, it’s not a bad roll of the dice with the #49 pick.
Yeah, let’s pay close attention to whoever was picked at 49, so that when he gives his hall of fame speech, we’ll be able to say, “I knew the Kings blew it.”
6 of the 10 guys drafted at 49 or later were international players – don’t know which of them might be coming over or not. In a way, that’s what the Kings did with their pick.
The four college players included Mobley’s brother (to Cle with the Kings’ pick). I wanted Keon Ellis at 49. Turns out the Kings signed him to a two-way after the draft was over.
I get your point. My point is, if he doesn’t come over the Kings total haul for they’re three 2nd rounders was…cash considerations. Never said “they blew it”(not your words either, I realize) or even that it’s a big deal. Still in-all, especially for a team in “win-now” mode, it doesn’t appear to be quality asset management.
They had two 2nd rounders, 37 & 49. They traded one for two future 2nd rounders & one for the rights to Vezenkov.
Honestly, I’m not seeing the issue here, especially for a team with two guys on two-way contracts (Queta & Ellis) and basically two open roster spots, one which could potentially be filled by Sasha and one that will probably go to a vet. minimum emergency Pg.
Don’t they have 3 open roster spots since Queta was signed to a 2-way?
Fox, Sabonis, Barnes, Murray, Mitchell, Huerter, Monk, Holmes, TD, Len, Lyles, and Metu make 12. Am I missing someone?
15 is the roster size, right?
So one additional spot if they sign Vezenkov & an emergency PG.
I think they got the emergency PG- Sash Considerations, starred at Duke. Got his start in the 1950’s at CCNY. (point shaving scandal)
My guess is the front office is willing to part with the two you mention to create room for the guy from Greece and still keep roster spots open.
They don’t have to. The two-ways have no impact on the open roster spots.
I understand they don’t have to but, they are are likely ok with doing it. Get the guy from Greece and still have open spots for improvement.
If this team is seriously trying to improve they must be looking to improve Lyles and Metu roster spots.
Okie dokie.
Who said they are in win now mode?
They say the opposite actually.
I agree. I’ve overall been fairly satisfied with Monte’s tenure but not picking Hardy, Liddell, or Chandler at #37 and then this….it hasn’t been particularly inspiring.
Hardy a bit erratic. Lidel undersized but Chandler was a miss.
Quite possibly the best draft pick the Kings have made since I’ve been watching was a #60. Yeah, they eventually “blew it” on that too. I’m hoping they work this out because if he makes the HOF, no one will remember where he was drafted (or care). I believe Bogi was drafted #26. Bogi was a valuable piece for the Kings, and would still be, if they (Monte) hadn’t blown it. Cute comment though!
I’m curious – who was your guy at 49?
I couldn’t say, and I’m not claiming to be an expert (or even well informed). I can though, compare the teams success (or lack thereof) to that of other NBA franchises. Their (Monte’s) lack of 2nd round success is frustrating. I’m also not trying to tear anyone down. Overall I am pretty pleased with Monte’s record. I’m also not trying to gloss over their mistakes. If he never shows, it was a mistake. Thank you, once again for answering my questions. I truly am grateful for your time.
Yeah, I don’t see it as a mistake. Worst case, it’s a pick used on a Euro stash. A lot of teams do that at this point in the draft.
I’m not the one to do it, and I wouldn’t ask anyone else, but I wonder what the average minutes per game numbers look like for second round picks.
If we went back ten or twenty years, examined the ~300/600 players taken in round two, added their total minutes played in the NBA, then divided it by 10/20 seasons of games, what’s the mpg?
I’d honestly be shocked if it was even five minutes per. I just can’t generate any angst over a perceived problem where second-rounders are concerned.
I understand that you may be morally obligated to remind me about guys like Jokic, so do you what you have to do.
Isaiah Thomas isn’t getting into the Hall unless he buys a ticket. Guy with small bodies (STOP IT) of work generally have a tough case to make.
the guy picked at 49 by the Cavs was Evan Mobley’s brother- will not make the hall of fame but will keep his bro company.
Better than many of the first round picks taken by this team in the last 15 years.
Bogi was signed using cap room (in 2017) and the Kings had to wait an extra year (he was part of the draft day trade in 2016) to bring him over as Bogi was a 1st rd pick (27th overall in 2014).
I can see the Kings wanting to bring him over anywhere from the league minimum to BAE. And I’m not worried about using the BAE on Vezenkov. The issue here is you also have Lyles and Metu and I’m struggling to understand why you’d use the BAE on Vezenkov with similar PF types on the roster already.
As always, thanks for the cap and contract details! That being said, I agree. the PF depth is fine and there is no reason to spend the BAE on a redundant player unless you think he’s gonna get the minutes of Lyles and Metu. If that were the case, then why guarantee the deals of those guys!? There are greater needs on this roster right now, like 3rd string PG.
Yeah, I don’t think the FO is in as much love with Vezenkov as some fans are.
Could be wrong. We’ll find out soon enough.
Hopefully they are not in love with Metu or Lyles either.
Trying to improve over these two existing players is smart and not that hard to do.
I’m not sure their PF depth is fine. But I also don’t think Vezenkov necessarily helps it.
You’re wrong. Mostly because I say so, but details are stupid anyway so this is most likely moot.
They cannot do better than Metu or Lyles?
I think Sasha is a better version of Lyles so yes, they can do better almost immediately
agree- so have to get rid of at least one of them but is there not a moratorium on moving Metu or Lyles until around AS break?
No, they are eligible to be traded now.
If only someone invented a way to have a meeting or send an offer without a 15 hour one way flight.
I imagine the point of the meeting was to try to sell him on coming over for the excitement/opportunity instead of offering a big contract
Well I’m hoping someone invents a way to do that before he’s too old to come over.
Western Union Baby!
If I’m Vezenkov, I’m only traveling halfway around the world to take a physical and sign an agreed upon contract. Technology is wonderful – all the i’s can be dotted and t’s crossed before I ever commit to elongated air travel during less than pristine circumstances.
Shouldn’t it be his agent meeting with the team anyways? As a basketball player, I would let my agency fly over, if they don’t already have someone employed in the US. I’d let them hammer-out the financial details, and then I’d fly over when it’s time to play basketball. And did anyone ever really expect him to play in summer league? If Monte wants to interview him, shouldn’t that have been done before they used a pick on him? Given the amount of analysis and consideration NBA teams put into these decisions, how could he have not gotten out ahead of a situation like this?
Bogi never played in Vegas.
He did considerable wagering on whether his knee would hold up. Lost a bundle over and over.
Played pro basketball, I should have said.
Held up well enough to play in and play well in a lot of playoff games .
In his “a lot” of playoff games, he’s shot 39% on field goals, and 33% on threes. Admittedly, that’s good for a guy on one leg.
And significantly better than anyone in recent history wearing a Kings uniform.
Not bad considering what the Hawks gave to to get him.
Have you noticed that the real players are not playing in Vegas?
not sure if you can talk to a player who is signed with another team. Tampering?
that said, if I was him I would not fly all the way just to talk. Talk, sign on Zoom, make one flight.
Pretty much this. There is plenty of tape on him so there is no need for a “workout.” All other negotiations can be done remotely. A physical and contract are the only reason for him to get on a plane. Even then, the Kings could likely make it easier by sending some guys his way. If the Kings “want” him, they they should make the accommodations.
I agree there’s no point for Vezenkov to come to Vegas to do anything other than finalize and sign his contract.
OTOH, there’s no real need to guarantee a backup PF 10 minutes with several backup PFs on the roster. I’m wondering if there’s trades of Lyles and Metu coming to open those minutes that haven’t happened yet. It’ll be interesting to see how they flesh this roster out if only because they have a number of options to do that.
Who said he was getting guaranteed playing time?
I think Lyles is likely to be the better player, regardless, and he actually defends. I really think he’s going to be valuable this season.
I’m inclined to agree, Sims. I would venture to guess they see Vezenkov as a 11th-12th man who offers shooting and a different look than Metu or Len. For the right price, he makes alot of sense. But not necessarily by committing a valuable spending tool like the remaining amount of the MLE (I’d keep that in reserve to convert Ellis or Queta into a standard contract) or the BAE. The BAE I kind of understand if that’s what it takes to get him over and you think he’s worth it.
Not a clue, that’s why I said I was wondering if there was a trade out there. I’m sure there are conversations because there always is conversations happening. Your guess is as good as mine, Hamlet, as to what a trade of anyone on this roster looks like at this point.
I think he wants guaranteed time. The remainder of the MLE would be good. Save the higher BAE. Not sure if Q or Ellis need to sign “full time”. There is a log gam at 4. Murray will get most of the minutes, Barness too perhaps. If SV is projected to be good enough, move Lyles or Metu for that third PG and release Cash Considerations. There seems to be just two options for payment- remainder of MLE vs. BAE.
Could you detail some of those interesting trade options .
Hope he stays where he’s at, gets his earned money, in the league he excels at, and doesn’t waste our cap space with false hopes. ????????♂️
There is a lot of truth to this. The fact is, his rights were traded for a box of rocks. If he were a game changer in the NBA, he’d be worth at least worth a box of sea glass. Even if he comes over, he’s not gonna add wins to this roster.
He’s a slower Joe Engles. ????????????
I don’t know what to think about that.
Or he’s Nemanja lite. That’s the vibe I get.
That goes too.